Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 3

What's up ladies?  How are things progressing for you so far?


  1. Does anyone else have trouble with how long it takes this blog to load? I have hi-speed service, but with this site, I wait so long I've forgotten I was going here!

    MS.Kat, The 30 Tips are absolutely what I've realized in decades of losing weight! Thanks for the handy reminders.

    ABC-TV tonight "Primetime" Celebrity Weight Loss. One segment is about losing "baby fat" after giving birth. It's on at 9pm in my area.

  2. I returned to the gym today. I only missed Monday and Tuesday, but my trainer is all geared up for the challenge. She asked me to start keeping a food journal. Which I am dreading, because I haven't done well with them in the past, but I am open to it. I've heard that they work. I am allowed to drink for my birthday this weekend, but no more drinking after that, that should be interesting. My workout partner is excited about that part. :) So far so good...Even on day 3!
